Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Horsing Around


  1. up & over we go!!!!!!!!! hope the horsey doesn't head but her in the girly bits!!!

    1. AlleyCat, I hadn't even thought of that, but it would sure make a bad situation so much worse.

  2. And that's why I haven't ridden a horse since I was 13...

    1. AboutLastWeekend, did you used to ride and jump fences? My sisters used to train their horses to jump, but I don't recall them ever actually riding them over fences like that. They did, quite by accident, train the dogs to jump the fences. And the dogs never forgot it.

    2. I had a horse for two years that I found out later had never been broken in. So I can stay on a racing horse but can't do much else.. thanks for alerting me today to no notice about what has happened to your comment, will look into it. I have moderation but it should be saying that.

    3. AboutLastWeekend, I wasted a year of my life trying to date a girl who trained race horses. She was blonde and beautiful and had not the slightest interest in me at all. But she had a lovely racehorse that someone ran half to death to the point that it wouldn't race anymore, so she got a good deal on it. Anyway, being able to ride a racehorse in the proper style is pretty impressive. I think my back would break or go into spasms before I could get all the way around the track for the first lap riding like that. I need handlebars. :-)

  3. Oops... that horse and rider were NOT on the same page!!!



    1. RedShoes, the girl was all ready to go, but the horse had second thoughts.
