Friday, January 25, 2013

How My Friday Morning Began

The following is a letter I sent to my significant other in response to a short email telling me to have a wonderful day:

"I just got out of our morning meeting. I hope to get enough done today that on Monday morning I don’t have the exact same thing to report. The weather outside is ugly and people in traffic are weird, but in a totally different way from how they were the previous 2 weeks. My hair is doing funky things and won’t behave and my leg keeps feeling like something is crawling on it, which started last night, but when I look there is nothing there. My nose is running and the radio people wouldn’t give me a traffic report the ENTIRE morning, but they did warn about how horrible the flu is this year. I have coffee. I haven’t pooped. I need to drink some coffee and then go poop. Then I can get rolling."

I don't think I am fully in the Friday spirit yet.


  1. Well. Hope your day turned out great even though it started off like that.

    1. Annika, it stalled. I sent out a notice to our project manager and design architect that I need clarification in order to move forward and they both just ignored it. But it is Friday and I am leaving now to go and hopefully have a good time and forget work for 2 days straight.

  2. Well, that must've cheered your S.O. no end!

    1. Ute, sometimes I think if other people read the emails between me and her they'd think we were the weirdest freaks on earth. And then I remember there are Kardashians running around and I feel better about myself.

  3. NO Explode works like coffee on crack. FYI.

    1. Alana, coffee on crack? I'm not sure if this would be a good thing or a bad thing. Are you recommending it or warning me to stay away from it? :-)

  4. My hair does funky things every day. I've stopped trying to fight it. Resistance is futile.
    Hope the weekend has proved to be better than your Friday was.

    1. VapidVixen, once upon a time I could tell my hair what I wanted it to do first thing in the morning while it was still wet and it would do it. These days? Not so much. It just laughs at my little request and then runs wild, trying a new hairstyle every day, most of which look exactly like messy hair. If only messy hair were in style I'd be a rockstar!

  5. Oh goodness, I've had that feeling of something crawling on me but nothing there and it drove me nuts! If it continues then just get the cone of shame for your head and hands ;)

  6. PaddedCellPrincess, I shaved part of it and if it continues I'll end up shaving my whole lower leg. Ha ha!

  7. Replies
    1. RaymiLauren, thank you, it was a most unique Friday for me.
